x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
April 26, 2022
Huizhou, Guangdong

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Basis International School Park Lane Harbour
Huizhou, Guangdong, 516082
Event type:
Youth (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Youth@­B­I­P­H events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Albert Wang

I have a variety of hobbies such as reading, swimming, playing badminton, playing piano, browsing the encyclopedia in my spare time, and, most importantly, procrastinating. I was intrigued by society and humanity as I dived into books and encyclopedias. To further explore this world, I participated in events such as debates and model UN. Such events encouraged me to understand the world comprehensively and fostered my independent critical thinking capacity. For instance, debate required me to research both pros and cons of the topic, hence, ameliorating confirmational bias. Speaking of confirmational bias, that concept was introduced to me by my intro to psych teacher. I was fascinated by how human behavior is explained by psychology, and I could utilize its potential to solve social issues.

Ashley Huang

Just your ordinary 5th grader. I like watching anime, drawing and sketching, and love to read books. I feel that each day is a gift and I am excited to see where I will go in life.

Diego Jiang

I am 16 years old and in the 10th grade. My hobbies include ultimate Frisbee and Rubik's Cube. I frequently play ultimate Frisbee, and I sometimes participate in local competitions. Also, I enjoy cubing, and I treat it as a method of releasing stress. In school, I am interested in Biology and Chemistry, and I would like to work in related fields in the future. Public speaking has always been my weakness, but I would like to step out of my comfort zone and challenge myself, and I believe this will be a very valuable experience in my high school life and look forward to sharing my ideas with the world.

Fiona Wu

I am 13 and in the eigth grade. I enjoy speech and debate as well as Mock Trial. I am interested in political science and law. This comes from me attending a lot of the tournaments that focus mostly on public forums, but I think studying law and court trials would be really fascinating. I think that I am quite an average eighth-grader, not the brightest, or the most charismatic, just me. Trying to make the world a better place one day at a time.

Hugo Jiang

I am greatly interested in the field of synthetic biology and genetic engineering, which I will cover in my talk, ever since I participated in the largest global competition in this field, iGEM. I believe this field has a bright and unmeasurable future and can help every living human on Earth to a great extent. I am also interested in playing and watching basketball (the NBA), playing golf, and reading (I am currently reading the Harry Potter series, books which I did not have a chance to read before). I hope to become a synthetic biologist when I grow up to help people around the globe. Furthermore, I want to be an entrepreneur to further extend my positive influence on humans dwelling on Earth.

Hunter Mueller

Dean of Student Life
Kindness is always the answer. Love will always triumph. We are all here for a purpose. I try to spend my days blessing as many lives as possible. Whether it's a smile to a stranger, an encouraging word to a friend, or a is too short to waste time. I want those around me and those that I come in contact with to walk away changed for the better. I chose to see the glass as always half full and usually like the uncertainty that each day brings.

Jane Hu

I am interested in art, true crime, and conspiracies theories. In my free time, I like to research and watch videos on my interests and news about the topic. I hope I can go further in my interest by learning more about psychology and humanity. I would like to spend more of my time watching TV and spending more time with my friends rather than studying.

Kevin Zhang

I am 14 and in the eight grade. There are a wide range of hobbies that I adore, ranging from reading (I love reading philosophy and romantics), writing, & podcasting; to fencing (played épée for 5 years), tennis, and rowing. In the short term, I spend most of my spare time (which I hope to be more) reading and writing about philosophy (mainly moral philosophy at the moment), and I am always driven by the, quite metaphysical, question of “Who am I?”. In the long term, I aspire to be a theoretical physicist or a philosopher and furnish my own understanding to academia to answer fundamental questions about human welfare, human knowledge, and human existence, answering what modern science cannot.

Manbo Huang

I am 14 and in the 8th grade. I am a novel lover and a writing lover. I like to play basketball and read history books.......and I have my own Wechat channel for sharing my own novel and articles. My life plan is to be happy, not regret anything, and to explore the world with passion.

Nobel Zhou

I am 15 years old and in the 10th grade. I am interested in psychology, especially sports psychology and clinical psychology. With the knowledge deposit of human mentalities, I am extremely prompted to communicate with people I have encountered throughout my life. Outside of the classroom, I would like to spend all my time playing basketball and watching movies, these are my most enjoyable moments. Public speaking has long been one of my biggest fears, I keep trying to go beyond my limits and this experience is definitely a pivotal benchmark for me.

Rose Yu

I'm a really outgoing person who likes to chat and make friends with others. I'm interested in Psychology and Chemistry. I hope that one day I can become a psychiatrist, a mental doctor who provides medicine for the patients. Also, I want to work in the Chemistry lab and create new things that can help all the generations to come.

Tison Wu

I am a 13-year-old student, and I'm currently taking 8th-grade courses. I have a variety of hobbies, such as coding, playing badminton, and playing the trumpet. I do enjoy all of them, in addition, I also enjoy making things and trying some things that I have never tried before. I love the process when we keep exploring new things, even challenges. In school, I love all subjects that are related to science, especially physics. I love the feeling when I solve a hard question that I thought that I could not do it.

Organizing team




Huizhou, China