x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
June 11, 2022
Garoua, North

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Alliance Française de Garoua
Rue Monseigneur Yves Plumey
Garoua, North, 303
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Poumpoure events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.


Ingénieure industrielle & Fondatrice de l'association BITÔ
Aline ESSONO is an engineer by training and has a passion for the written word. She discovered public speaking in 2016 and since then she is engaged in related activities. Members of several associations, ( President of association Bitõ, President of yaoundé Toastmasters club 21-22, treasurer of the association Women and girls of LEKIE), service leadership has become part of her daily life. Dreamer and woman of action, she has organized events (Concours d'art oratoire La Fille Qui parle 2021, Elles Parlent, édition 2022, SIFA - Salon international de la femme africaine) and participated in activities that have awakened in her the thirst to learn, to always act and to leave her comfort zone.

Bebeto Bertrand BETSETO

Fondateur de l'association LEAD SHIP
Bertrand is the founder of Lead Ship, a non-profit organization that aims to create change in local African communities through youth leadership empowerment. Passionate about leadership, volunteerism and local development, he is a humanitarian working in the field of gender, women's empowerment, education and child protection in the northern region of Cameroon. Bertrand holds a master's degree in political science from the University of Ngaoundéré and was a 2017 recipient of the Mandela Washington Fellowship in Public Management.


Licensed psychologist & founder of PSYCHOLOGY ACROSS BORDERS
Dr. Neeta Ramkumar is a licensed psychologist, a global citizen, and the founder of Psychology Across Borders. She believes that communities of global and local knowledge exchange are integral to psychological science and practice. As an educator, Dr. Neeta promotes decolonizing and internationalizing psychology to expand access to culturally responsive mental healthcare. She is dedicated to supporting psychology innovators everywhere, in establishing equitable partnerships. As a practitioner, Dr. Neeta serves globally mobile, polycultural, and cross-cultural families. She dreams of the day that psychologists will be representative of the global majority


Elève & vice championne nationale au concours déloquence
Born on 01/01/2004 in Garoua, Mouzock Antoinette Grace. is originally from the Sanaga Maritime. She followed her secondary education at the Lycée classique et moderne de Garoua. In her final year of high school, she was regional champion of eloquence in 2020&2021 and national vice champion in 2021. Champion of Slameroun 2021-2022. She dreams of defending women's rights by becoming a lawyer.

Narcisse GUYBOLO Parfait

Narcisse Parfait GUYBOLO is a passionate young social entrepreneur. After a degree in political science and a year with the German firm EJOT GmbH as a market analyst for Africa, he decided to become an entrepreneur in order to contribute to solving the challenges facing rural Africa. He founded the NGO CADOSIN at the age of 18 and then the company AGRI-INVEST in 2013. He was appointed representative of the African Agricultural Council for Africa in 2020 and has won several awards and international programs such as USADF Awards, OIF Pioneers, GSBI, SIBC (AFD) etc. His actions have positively impacted the lives of thousands of men and women in northern Cameroon.

Raoûl Célestin KASSA BESSALA

Etudiant à l'université de Garoua & Champion régional d'art oratoire
Kassa bessala Raoul was born on November 10, 2001 in éfok-obala, He is currently a student at the University of Garoua in the faculty of legal and political sciences option private law year 3. A versatile young man, he has done an internship as a reporter at the crtv-North and at the national civic service of participation in development. Very passionate about communication, he was a finalist in the national eloquence contest


Chanteur & Professeur de chant
Originally from the West Region of Cameroon, Yannick is an administrative Manager working at the Public Market Regulation Agency as Head of the IT Department of the North and Far North. Yannick TCHOUPTANG in addition to being a graduate in computer science, accounting and management control, is passionate about personal development and music, he is a music education trainer, vocal coach and choir director. Founders of the "Heaven's Singers of Garoua" vocal ensemble and the "Glam'Opera" musical association. His beginnings in this activity were not easy but he held firm and today he will make us discover the labyrinth of the vocal technique.


Auteur & Fondateur du cabinet HKP
Holder of a master's degree in Human Resources Management from the Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (ESSEC) in Douala, TCHAMDA Yvan discovered personal development in 2017. His deep interest in this discipline, which is so fundamental to the success of any human being, led him to found, in 2019, the HKP firm through which he delivers training in personal development, leadership and management to various African audiences. He has also published 4 books on personal development in 2021 and a fifth in April 2022. A sixth book is currently being written.

Organizing team

Brigitte G.

Garoua, Cameroon
  • Kader Yodi
    Post production