x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Y

This event occurred on
March 6, 2021
6 of october, Al Jīzah

This year's theme is "Y", representing the "Fork in the Road" where we stand facing either option, Adapt or rebel. In an ever evolving society, change is fast and inevitable. The choice for change, as a result, may seem easy. However, change, even though it is the natural order of things, it is- at its core- complex, intricate and formidable. Change is going to happen either way.
Wisdom is needed to make that choice. Thought, imagination, and innovation are required to guide us into choosing the appropriate direction in the fork in the road we are constantly facing.

شعار هذا العام هو "Y" ، ويمثل "مفترق الطرق" حيث نقف في مواجهة إما الخيار ، التكيف أو التمرد. في مجتمع دائم التطور ، يكون التغيير سريعًا ولا مفر منه. نتيجة لذلك ، قد يبدو اختيار التغيير سهلاً. ومع ذلك ، فإن التغيير ، على الرغم من أنه الترتيب الطبيعي للأشياء ، إلا أنه - في جوهره - معقد وهائل. التغيير سيحدث في كلتا الحالتين.
الحكمة مطلوبة لاتخاذ هذا الاختيار. مطلوب الفكر والخيال والابتكار لإرشادنا إلى اختيار الاتجاه المناسب في مفترق الطريق الذي نواجهه باستمرار.

Opera G
26 July Mehwar Road intersection with Wahat Road, 6th of October, Cairo
6 of october, Al Jīzah, 12566
Event type:
University (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­M­S­A­University events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Adly Thoma

CEO of Gemini Enterprises Africa
Adly Thoma is an Entrepreneurship life mentor, Project management consultant & lecturer, and Leader of Change & Digital Transformation. Adly Thoma is currently the CEO and Executive Chairman for an investment company that plays a role in the development of the regional entrepreneurial ecosystem. Through his role, Adly is working to positively impact the lives of youths with bright ideas starting from Egypt and reaching the entire African continent by creating a partnership hub connecting all stakeholders through a network where collaboration supersedes competition. With 20+ years of local and international business and project management experience in various fields, he is a renowned worldwide project management consultant and lecturer for multiple recognized institutions & universities.

David Beshara

"Believe, Innovate, Create” is David Beshara's life slogan. David is the founder and CEO of "Egyrobo" for robotic systems s.a.e., an Egyptian-based robotic company which was the first robotic share holding company in Egypt and MENA region founded in 2014. Though he started his life with a Bachelor of commerce and financial analysis, his passion for A.I. and robotics drove him to join the Robotics College in Germany to begin his career as a robotics engineer. David focuses on developing industries and creating service robots to save humans from dangerous and hazardous works as he believes that robots have the potential to serve humanity in a variety of functions and enhance their way of life. David aims to be the pioneer of the Robotics field in Egypt, Middle East & Africa, he is seeking to boost trainees to be qualified experts in Robotic Science to devise and renew the know-how with the coming generation.

Karim Abdelrahman

Restaurant's and Hotel's Consultant
Karim Abdelrahman is a professional chef who started his career at a young age. Following high school, he pursued a culinary career through training at the best food institutions in Switzerland and France, most notably, with the legendary Alain Ducasse in Paris. Karim continued pursuing this career by working and training at some of the most prominent Michelin star restaurants, including Guy Savoy, a 3 Michelin star restaurant in Paris, rated the no.1 best restaurant in the world by ‘La Liste’ for the past 4 years.

Mohamed El-Koossy

Owner and managing director of Active PR & Marketing Communication
Mohamed has a vast experience in developing communication campaigns, handling crises and reputation management, CSR initiatives, developing different national and sub-national health awareness campaigns such as Polio, Tetanus and Hepatitis “B” and many others. He was also assigned to work with many international organizations for the betterment of his country including being the communication part of a team spearheaded by UNICEF, WHO and the Ministry of Health tasked with several communication and behavior changes campaigns such as, eradication of Polio, Street Children, FGM and Water Sanitation. Mohamed fought against the harms of silence in the face of AIDS and worked with UNAIDS to increase awareness of AIDS prevention and treatment in Egypt. As a parent and advocate for Children’s Rights, Mohamed founded an NGO to grant the wishes of terminally and seriously ill children called “My Dream” which grants upwards of 15 dreams a month for the past 14 years.

Mostafa Elshimey

Mostafa Elshimey is an Egyptian novelist, Children's Book Author, Researcher and literary critic. He graduated from the Faculty of Mass Communication, Misr University for Science and Technology. He had his Post graduate studies art criticism’s diploma in Literary Criticism at Higher Institute of Art criticism -Academy of Arts. He worked as Sub – editor at Alam El Ketab Magazine. During His literary career and at a young age He won many literary awards in Egypt and the Arab world. As Katara Prize for Arabic Novel, Dubai cultural magazine Award, Akhbar Aladab Award, Central competition for arts Award and Supreme council of culture Award, also he nominated to the the shortlist for many awards as Sawiris Cultural Award, Arab Theatre Institute and Akhbar el-Yom magazine Award.

Nady Ghaly

Managine director at Niche Life CEO and founder at BeBrand Advertising
Nady Ghaly, the CEO / Founder of BeBrand advertising agency & Niche magazine. For 20 years, since he started his business in the marketing field, his vision was to build a creative, youthful team with energetic minds as he believed that believing in people brings out the best in them. and with working with more than 1200 brands locally and globally, his vision became a reality.

Ramy Abdelaziz

CEO Maverick Advertising Agency
Originally an engineer, Ramy Abdelaziz has 20 years of experience working in various media-related projects including but not limited to production and broadcasting. Ramy has been working in the digital marketing field since 2011, when he established the digital media sector within the CBC Group. Ramy is the co-founder of Maverick Digital, a digital marketing agency with bases in Cairo and Dubai.

Salma Wahby

“A paradox of many things” Salma Wahby. The first thing she says when introducing herself is “I am a writer". She started writing at the mere age of 10 and continued from there. She is currently working on two books; one is a poetry compilation and the other, a story shedding light on the inner workings of independency as a woman living in the Middle East. A multi- faceted artist with talents ranging from ballet to golf, she never saw herself as one thing and she certainly never acted like it. A true believer of self-expression, Salma believes that underground artists should be cultivated and given their opportunity to shine.

Taher Abdel-Ghani

Architecture Teacher Assistant in MSA and short movies director
Taher Abdel-Ghani is an urban researcher, an assistant lecturer, and an independent filmmaker. His main focus is analyzing the urban environment through cinematic images, an idea that formed in 2012 when he received his B.Sc. in Architecture. After completing his double Master’s degree in Advanced Urbanism from Germany and China, he gradually shifted his career from architecture to full-time researcher for Progress - an online platform dedicated to innovation, trends and practices in transformation of cities around the world. Currently, he is an assistant lecturer at Modern Sciences and Arts University (MSA) in Cairo, teaching Architecture Design & History of Architecture.

Yehia Qandil

Teaching Assistant and Nature Inspired Architect
Yehia had his double B.Sc degree in Architectural Engineering from MSA University and the University of Greenwich in London with first class honor. During his studies, he was also a founder of model making cooperation and he led a team of architects in several projects. The last project he had was for a school implementation in the New Capital of Egypt. Yehia is currently working as a Teaching Assistant specialized in Architecture Design, Environmental Design, and Building Technologies and last but not least a part time environmental researcher. Beside his job, he had participated in many international United Nations sponsored competitions. Recently, his project was one of the top 20 shortlisted out of 190 entry from 44 countries. According to Yehia’s interest and passion in Environmental Design, Building Technologies, and human behavior, he was recently motivated to start his latest project “Fanaticism City”.

Organizing team

El Sheikh


Fakhri Hassan Elmitwalli Kassem

Cairo, Egypt
  • Michael Tharwat
  • Moatassem Elhodaiby