x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Success Outside Academics

This event occurred on
February 27, 2020
Dhaka, Dhaka

AISD's much anticipated TEDxYouth@AISD is finally returning this year with a new theme: Success Outside Academics! Come enjoy and be enlightened by different talks from various perspectives and topics which encircle this theme. Talks will be given from students, guest speakers, faculty, staff, etc. and they are all sure to be densely packed with 'ideas worth sharing'!

American International School Dhaka
12 United Nations Road
Dhaka, Dhaka, 1212
Event type:
Youth (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Youth@­A­I­S­D events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Amirah Qazi

Motivational Speaker
Alongside being a student at the American International School of Dhaka, Amirah Qazi has worked to achieve the title role of a motivational speaker. This is her first year in AISD, before this she studied in Canada from 2012. Qazi continues to be an active member of the after school curriculars in her school, as she is a part of Model United Nations, Global Issues Network and South Asian Club. She has always been determined to break the conventional boundaries surrounding her. What might be considered drawbacks, such as being a south asian, in a majority white community, or being a girl in what is considered a prejudiced culture, never held her back from her expressing her opinions and taking a stance against unjust. She hopes that her success within and outside of academics today, will be reflected in the future, as she prioritizes her dream to contribute to most importantly the social development of Bangladesh, and successfully fulfill her role in being a privileged citizen.

Anushka Quadir

Motivational Speaker
Anushka Quadir is a freshman studying at the American International School of Dhaka. Quadir has lived in Bangladesh for six years, but she has a very diverse outlook as she has lived in the United States and Singapore before, allowing her to understand different cultures and perspectives. Quadir pursues many interests outside of academics, including Volleyball, Badminton, South Asian Club and Choir. She has always been an outspoken character, who tries to encourage change, especially in stereotypical or unhealthy mindsets. Speaking at the TEDx event has given her a bigger and stronger platform to let her ideas and concerns be heard, permitting development in the society. Not only is she heavily inspired by her family, who have contributed to the development of Bangladesh, but she also wishes to give back to her home country as well. Quadir wants to focus on economics for her further studies, and aspires to implement her knowledge for the betterment of the world.

Chiara Quintela

An Aspiring World Leader
This speech was given by Jennifer Bertram and Chiara Quintela. Jennifer was born in Alliston, Canada, and moved to Brazil after completing undergraduate studies at the University of Waterloo. There she met and married Agnaldo Quintela, and their first daughter, Chiara was born in 2002 in Campinas. Jennifer worked at the Escola Americana de Campinas (EAC) in Campinas, Brazil for 23 years, where Chiara studied until completing the 8th grade. Jennifer took on many roles at EAC, but eventually left along with her family to pursue a principalship at the American International School of Dhaka in Bangladesh. Chiara is now completing high school at AISD, but her younger brother, Luca Quintela will stay on to complete middle school. After living Dhaka for 3 years and it has been an incredible learning experience for all after living in Brazil for so many years. Despite all the challenges, it is a rewarding experience to leave one's comfort zones and live a new adventure.

Esha Azad

Gender Rights Activist
Esha Azad is a Bangladeshi who is currently a high school senior at the American International School of Dhaka. She has always been passionate about feminism and plans to return to Bangladesh after completing her undergraduate studies to help underprivileged women in both rural and corporate settings.

Jennifer Bertram

Middle School Principal at American International School Dhaka
My name is Jennifer Bertram and I was born in Alliston, Canada. I studied at the University of Waterloo and The College of New Jersey. My first overseas experience was in Montevideo, Uruguay where I worked at the Uruguayan American School. I worked at the Escola Americana de Campinas in Campinas, Brazil for 23 years. I was hired to be an Upper School computer teacher and I taught many classes including Design Thinking, Yearbook, Digital Film-making and History. I was the Knowledge Bowl coach at EAC for ten years and I really enjoyed coaching and watching students grow in confidence & knowledge. For three years I worked as the Upper School Dean of Students, and then as the Assistant Principal. After many years in Brazil and a plethora of experience, I moved with my family to the International School of Dhaka to become the MS Principal. We have been in Dhaka for the last 3 years and it has been an incredibly rewarding experience to leave our comfort zones and live a new adventure.

Jisu Park

Student Nutrition Activist
Jisu Park is a junior in his high school at the American International School, Dhaka.

Laura Bonapace

Associate Director of Advancement & Marketing, AISD
Professional designer from New York working in Asia. She applies her diverse experience and skills to the education field for institutional advancement, branding, communications, and marketing.

Preksha Surana

Student at the American International School of Dhaka (AISD)
Preksha Surana is a dedicated student that gives it her all in every class that she participates in. She ensures that she is on top of all her classes, making sure that her hand is constantly raised. She participates in a variety of different after school activities including recreational activities, and sports. She is also a growing badminton player, never giving up and making sure that she improves on her skills every practice. She has many different interests after school as well, such as dancing and choreographing for her classes, some of them being highlights. She also has a very contrasting interest which is reading. She makes sure she spends time on books, aside from school or academic reading. It is a very recreational activity in her opinion. Preksha is a well-rounded student, however, there is a lot of room for improvement in her life.

Rania Ahmed

Student Environmental Activist
Rania Ahmed is a 10th-grade student at the American International School of Dhaka and is raising awareness for climate change in Bangladesh. She has done a brief internship at the department of sustainability at the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh where she researched on littering and what effects it has on its surrounding environment. Outside of academics, she enjoys playing instruments, spending time with her family and raising awareness on other issues pertaining to Bangladesh, such as acid violence, racism, sexism, shadeism, body image and etc.

Rusmiya Aqid

Student Advocator
My name is Rusmiya Aqid, and as someone whose very much a thinker, I always wonder what I’m passionate about -- and this always changes as new opportunities and areas of interest arise within me. Other than the static love for art, I also have this constantly reforming and reshaping interest for human rights. I try to explore this interest by doing things like Model UN, trying to do more service learning, and public speaking. Out of the three, public speaking is definitely the area that takes me most out of my comfort zone- yet, for some reason I still want to share my incomplete stories that may only hint at an idea. My story is merely a snippet of my experiences at my international school in Bangladesh that I’ve been at for almost all my life, yet platforms like TEDx allow simple ideas like this to feel valid: to be ideas worth sharing.

Sabahat Jahan

IB DP Coordinator and IB DP English Teacher at the American International School of Dhaka
Born in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Sabahat Jahan completed her higher education in the United States, earning both her Bachelor and Master of Arts degrees in English Literature. After teaching at North South University for six years, Jahan has been teaching High School English at the American International School in Dhaka since 2010. Hands Full of Nothing, her second volume of poetry and her third publication was launched at the Dhaka Lit Fest in 2015. Her debut collection entitled Rough Edges was published in 2006 by, while her MA thesis, Walt Whitman and the Persian Poets: A Study in Literature and Religion, was published in 2009 by Ibex Publishers in Bethesda, Maryland. Sabahat Jahan lives with her family in Dhaka

Samiha Hassan

Samiha is an entrepreneur who started a business selling baked goods online via Facebook to facilitate the ordering process and hone her craft through orders she receives from clients. She also pursues other hobbies including painting and songwriting while managing a business and balances it with her academics, emphasising an importance in not only a well-rounded education but also learning skills outside of the school curriculum.

Xinan Rahman

Aspiring Changemaker
Xinan Rahman is an 11th grade student at the American International School Dhaka. Since overcoming his battle with anorexia nervosa, he is a firm advocate of developing and maintaining a healthy relationship with food. A healthy relationship with food can have many positive implications, from one's self esteem all the way to interpersonal relationships. Experiencing them first-handedly, Xinan is eager to spread these ideas to his friends, family, and greater school community.

Organizing team



