x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
September 14, 2019
Singapore, Central Singapore

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

*SCAPE, The Ground Theatre, Singapore
2 Orchard Link, Singapore 237978
Ground Floor
Singapore, Central Singapore, 237978
Event type:
Youth (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Youth@­Singapore events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Aleksandar Duric

As a young boy witnessing the violence of the Yugoslav Civil Wars, Aleksandar Duric turned to sports to seek comfort. To others, football may just simply be another ball sport, but for Aleksander, it was a sport that shaped his life in more ways than one.

Cheryl Lee

Cheryl Lee shares about how we should adopt a positive attitude towards the future - Act now instead of worrying, so as to make a difference in the world. The earth gave us air to breathe, water to drink, and food to eat. It is about time we finally give back to our home.

Devika Panicker

As a seven-year-old, Devika Panicker went through an experience that would go on to shape the work she currently does for her community. She shares her journey where she confronted her trauma, and in the process, developed a beautiful philosophy of empathy and kindness. Devika believes it is only with empathy that we can establish an understanding and connection with others.

Dominic Bohan

In our society’s constant hunger for shocking and sensational news, we tend to overlook the importance of what is happening globally. For Dominic Bohan, he sees this world through data and statistics. Though pie charts and bar graphs may sound mundane and even daunting for some of us, Dominic puts forth a compelling argument for the relevance of data science or statistics, and shows us how data can also tell stories and even explain the world to us.

Francis Seow

Many people strive for good health. Dr Francis Seow, a colorectal surgeon, is not a stranger to the ubiquitous health myths which have influenced the beliefs and lifestyles of many. He busts some of these myths and remind us that balance is the key to a healthy life.

Jason Lim

Jason Lim had a close shave with death. This fateful event in his life has taught Jason that discovering our purpose in life is key to living fulfilling and meaningful lives. Here, he shares why what we choose to do in our single life counts.

K Rajagopal

K Rajagopal, a filmmaker and storyteller, seeks to bring the lesser heard stories of people and groups in the Singaporean society to the forefront. In the process of doing so, Rajagopal has also found himself, his identity and footing in the society.

Kai Minejima-Lee

It is not every day where we come across a 10-year-old athlete. Since seven, Minejima-Lee Kai has been competing in Indoor Skydiving competitions, learning a few things on how we should think, feel and behave from his numerous experiences. From having positivity to learning from our mistakes, Kai shares how having the right spirit can lead us to success.

Kuntal Joisher

Mountaineering is not an easy feat to achieve, and to be able to scale mountains while keeping to a vegan lifestyle is almost mission impossible. With determination, discipline and passion, Kuntal Joisher shows us that we, too, can overcome our own mountains.

Melissa Lam

Melissa Lam professes to have a minimal closet, and for her, less is more. As someone who is in the business of zero-waste, she is here to share with you how we all can be more conscious decision makers and less wasteful in our every day life.

Michelle Lim

In 24 hours, Michelle Lim quit her dream job as a banker and never looked back. That started her on an authentic journey with herself, leading her to discover and live her passion and purpose in life.

Nelson Yap

No one likes to have their dreams interrupted, but Nelson Yap, a filial son who took over his father's business despite having no experience, reminds us that it is important to keep in mind that when one door closes, the other opens. Every challenge and setback sets us up for a new opportunity.

Simone Heng

Technology has paradoxically disconnected us in a world that has become increasingly connected. After having studied extensively on Human Connection, Simone Heng's sharing shows us “How to Authentically Connect with Anyone” so that we can all become Human Connection Superheroes.

Stephanie Ow

Despite losing her vision from young, Stephanie Ow has beaten the odds to achieve excellence in music. She is currently a musician under the Singapore National Youth Chinese Orchestra and the Purple Symphomy, and she even became the first recipient of the Deutsche-Bank-SCO Music Scholarship. Stephanie's musical journey and dream has proved to us that one’s circumstances or limitations should not restrict one from fully contributing to society, or fulfilling one’s own purpose.

Vivian Yap

Dealing with mental illness is never easy, and the effort one puts into recovering from mental illness should never be undermined. While Vivien Yap sought treatment from therapy, she also sought comfort through artistic writing and expression. Music and writing has become part of her story, and she is here to share how expressing herself through her own ways has helped her with her mental health.

Vivien Yap

Dealing with mental illness is never easy, and the effort one puts into recovering from mental illness should never be undermined. While Vivien Yap sought treatment from therapy, she also sought comfort through artistic writing and expression. Music and writing has become part of her story, and she is here to share how expressing herself through her own ways has helped her with her mental health.

Yen Phang

Grief and loss are unavoidable encounters of being human and we all have to face it. When we pass, our loved ones and belongings are left behind as a form of our legacy. Yen Phang confronted and expressed his grief through artistic expression and he seeks to show the value of life through art.

Yien Li Yap

Every day, someone out there is doing something small for the world in their own ways, yet we may not notice nor see them. Yien Li Yap reminds us that these small steps, small actions, small building blocks do matter, no matter how insignificant they appear to be. From little things, big things grow; our actions will contribute to something bigger than ourselves.

Organizing team

L. Light

Melbourne, Australia

