x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Contemplate沉思

This event occurred on
October 12, 2018
Guangzhou, Guangdong

The theme “Contemplate” refers to serious and in-depth thinking about a certain thing or intention.
Most people subconsciously assume that in-depth thinking is exhausting and unenjoyable. Hence, contemplation becomes a luxury. Some simply choose to follow the mainstream, immersing themselves into the "sense of security" brought by conventional thinking. Some copy others’ opinion, yet disguise themselves as “independent thinkers”. Fortunately, there’ s still a minority of people who are actually thinking and observing the society. The power to change the world is holding in their hands.
We want to create a community where we can immerse ourselves in profound thoughts and discussions about different subjects, so that we can better understand ourselves and the society.

Guangzhou InterContinental
No. 828, Yuejiang Middle Road, Haizhu District
Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510308
Event type:
University (What is this?)
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Bobby Chan

Industrial designer, Entrepreneur
陈兴博 #顶尖级工业设计大师# 陈兴博, 荣获全球设计大奖红点(Red Dot)“至尊奖”、iF产品设计金奖、拉斯维加斯ICES——设计与工程奖创新奖的知名设计师。 他曾以设计拯救了目前市值30亿的智能投影设备研发公司火乐科技,将之旗下的坚果智能影院带领成为国内微投行业独角兽。 “设计师”是他众多身份中最重要的一个,但现在,他有了新的的身份——“即将重返校园的企业家”,身为国内顶尖级工业设计大师的他即将重返校园读博,静心修炼自我,以便探寻更多可能性。 Bobby Chen #Industrial design master# Bobby Chen is a well-known designer who won the Red Dot design award, iF Product Design gold prize, and Design and Engineering Awards for Innovations. His design once saved JMGO, a high-tech company specializing in the development and production of AI projection equipment. It’s now a $3 billion-worth unicorn company in the micro-projection industry. “Designer” is just one of his multiple identities. Now, he has a new one—“entrepreneur returning to college”. As an industrial design master, he is getting back to university to pursue a Ph.D., with the hope that this self-development process can help him explore more possibilities.

Feng Yang

CEO of SpaceTY
杨峰 #天仪研究院CEO# 杨峰,天仪研究院CEO,毕业于北航,曾为载人航天工程、探月工程、北斗导航等众多国家科技重大专项提供产品和服务。北京信息科技大学兼职教授。曾荣获中国创新创业大赛湖南赛区总决赛冠军、第二届春晖杯留学人员创新创业大赛一等奖。 2016年创建天仪研究院,是中国第一批商业航天公司,成立2年,天仪研究院已成功完成3次太空任务,发射4颗卫星,在国内民营企业发射卫星数量排名第一。 Feng Yang # CEO of spaceTY # Graduated from Beihang University, Feng Yang was the champion of China Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition Final (Hunan Division) and won the first price in 2nd Chunhui Cup Startup Contest. Currently, he is the CEO of spaceTY and adjunct professor of Beijing Information Science and Technology University. He has provided products and services for many major technology projects in China, such as manned spaceflight mission, lunar-exploration, and Beidou Navigation System. Initiated in 2016, SpaceTY was one of the first commercial spaceflight companies in China. Till now, SpaceTY has completed three space missions and launched four satellites, which ranks the first among domestic private enterprises in China.

Jan Smejkal

APEC Director of Startup Grind
Jan Smejkal Jan负责全球规模最大的企业家社群Startup Grind在中国和亚太地区的开拓和运营。 他与亚太地区85多个城市中最聪明、最有激情的创业社群建设者合作。在Jan的带领下,过去两年时间内Startup Grind在中国的规模增长了6倍以上,目前已经有25多个活跃的城市定期举办活动,持续影响着中国及其他地区的创新格局。 在此之前,Jan帮助启动了Rocket Internet的风险投资并在大学就读期间就建立了一个电子商务业务。Rocket Internet是一家孵化并投资了100多家企业、估值超过15亿美元的公司。 Jan目前长驻深圳,并且不遗余力地帮助搭建连接中国与世界的桥梁。 Jan Smejkal Jan runs the world's largest entrepreneur community (Startup Grind) in China and APAC. He works with some of the brightest and most passionate startup community builders in around 85 cities in APAC. Over the last 24 months, under Jan's leadership, Startup Grind community in China has grown more than 6x to 25+ active cities hosting regular events and impacting the innovation landscape in China and beyond. He's currently based in Shenzhen and works effortlessly to help build a bridge between China and the rest of the world.

PengFei Li

Documentary Director
李鹏飞 #现实派导演# 李鹏飞导演,毕业于中央美术学院。他是当下“盛世中国”一个始终以观察者身份存在的导演。他的影像意图和故事背后的想法没有太多出现在观众的视野当中。他始终把自己的存在感降到最低,但作品却都强烈的体现出对当下现实的思考和态度。我们可以客观沉静的去看去听去感受,去思考,让自己暂时脱离开这个荒谬魔幻的世界,或许你也可以是一个喧嚣尘世里的“局外人”。 跟李鹏飞导演一起经历影像大世界里的光怪陆离,看形态各异的芸芸众生,漫步于沉思路上。 PengFei Li #Realism director# Director PengFei Li graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts. He is a director who views himself as an observer in this “golden era of China.” Many of his thoughts and intentions behind the image and stories are unknown to the audience, for he always tries to hide from public attention. But his works vividly reflect his attitudes and contemplation about the reality. To see, to listen, to feel and to think calmly and objectively, we can free ourselves from this absurd world, and be an “outsider,” if possible. Let’s travel through the image world with Director Li, listen to stories of people from all walks of life, to experience and to contemplate.

Tiandi Xie

Senior Director of DJI
谢阗地 谢阗地,大疆创新高级总监,新闻发言人。曾在媒体领域工作多年,在科技与信息化等多个领域进行过深入的产业观察与产业推动。在加盟大疆创新之前曾参与联合发起科技新媒体——雷锋网,并入选福布斯“30岁以下30位青年精英”(30under30)亚洲榜单。 谢阗地认为无人机不仅是一个飞行的载体,无人机将与个人电脑、互联网一样,带来全新的技术时代。 当人类在地面部署的二维技术高度发达,无人机铺就了一条将计算科学、物联网技术通向三维空间的道路。 Tiandi Xie Before working as the PR director and spokesperson of DJ-Innovations, Tiandi Xie was a media practitioner, providing in-depth observation and promotion of the industries of technology and informatization. He was also the co-organizer of the new media, Leiphone. Forbes once ranked Xie in the “30under30”Asia List. Tiandi Xie believes that drones are not only flying carriers, but they will bring a new era of technology, just like personal computers and the Internet did. When the two-dimensional technology deployed on the ground by humans is highly developed, the drones have paved the way leading to three-dimensional space for computing science and IoT technology.

Vera Ho

Vera Ho Vera Ho,国内顶级女摄影师,曾在有婚摄界奥斯卡之称的WPPI全球婚礼人像摄影大赛斩获包含金奖在内的多项大奖。她是国内首批CPS佳能白金签约婚礼摄影师之一、MPA英国摄影大师协会评委及资深认证摄影师,也是VERAHO PRODUCTION的创始人兼艺术总监。她将心中所爱变成自己的事业,Vera是幸运的,但她并未因此停下筑梦步伐。 她有一句很喜欢的话:「TO TREASURE, TO MEMORIZE」,也是如今VERAHO PRODUCTION的拍摄理念。而在这个容易遗忘的时代,你又想记录些什么呢? Vera Ho As a top female photographer in China, Vera Ho won many awards, including a gold prize in the WPPI (Wedding and Portrait Photographers International) known as “the Oscar for wedding photography.” Among the first group of wedding photographers who signed with CPS (Canon Profession Services), she is a certified photographer and judge of the MPA (Master Photographers Association). She is also the founder and art director of VERAHO PRODUCTION. Vera is lucky to turn her passion into a career, and she never stops dreaming. "TO TREASURE, TO MEMORIZE." She loves these words, and they are now the photographic philosophy of VERAHO PRODUCTION. And what do you want to capture in this fast-paced era?

Organizing team


Shenzhen, China


Guangzhou, China