x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Through My Eyes

This event occurred on
April 15, 2018
9:00am - 6:00pm EEST
(UTC +3hrs)
Abu Dis, Jerusalem

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

The Arabic Poetry Theater
Al-Quds University, Main Campus
Abu Dis, Jerusalem, 100-899
Event type:
University (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Al­Quds­University events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Fatima Awad

Fatima Awad is a Palestinian American and has lived all her life in the United States. Her passion and calling in life is helping people who are in need. She completed her Master’s degree in Nursing Practice and Leadership last year and is now obtaining her Doctorate in Nursing Practice and Leadership. For the past three years, she has been leading and organizing medical and humanitarian missions in the Middle East. She and her team have held over 13 successful medical missions in Jordan, Palestine, and Lebanon and helped Iraqi, Syrian, Palestinian, and Jordanian refugees. She has just started her own nonprofit organization called United in Humanity and she is the head of the Board of Directors and President of the NGO. Her goal is to also build beneficial programs to help bring more aid and resources in Palestine. Besides her humanitarian work, she is also a Divisional Director of Clinical Operations in the USA and oversees 21 clinics in Clinical Operations. Fatima has had many barriers in her way due to the fact she is a woman but has overcome it all and is standing very tall.

Iman Hassouneh

Before devoting her work full time as a Co-founder, Iman managed to gain more than 12 years of experience as a projects manager, media and communications expert, marketing and communication officer, and Public Relations Manager and Translator at various organizations to include MIG, Sky Advertising, Vitas Palestine, Hepco, and Doctors without borders. Iman is a certified English –Arabic legal translator, a holder of a masters degree in Public Administration, and a bachelor degree in English language and literature. Her great passion is to achieve happiness which lies in the great joy of achievement.

Khaled Al Sabawi

Serial entrepreneur
An award winning serial-entrepreneur. As CEO of UCI, one of the largest social-impact investors in Palestine, Khaled co-founded TABO, a project that revolutionized the real-estate market in the West Bank and protects Palestinian land by creating title deeds and making new affordable lands available in Palestine. Khaled also founded MENA Geothermal, a green energy start-up and two-time recipient of the Energy Globe Award, which grew to install the largest geothermal system in the Middle East. For his work, Khaled received multiple awards including the Young Alumni Achievement Medal from the University of Waterloo, one of Canada’s leading universities, and was featured on the cover of Forbes magazine.

Khaled Samen

Khaled Samen is the first daily vlogger in Palestine. A blogger since 2012 and a video content creator. Khaled hosts a live streaming series on Facebook titled "Beneficial Knowledge". He's an entrepreneur that co-founded multiple startups and social enterprises such as "Sard Spoken Words". In the meantime, Khaled is one of “AllMashhad” Company's Co-founders, holding the CEO position. Moreover, Khaled is a marketing expert that worked on many projects in the various fields of marketing. His favorite quote is "It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things." by Leonardo Da Vinci.

Lina Qadri

Lina Qadri, Palestinian artist, gender and development MA graduate, and a feminist activist. The mixture between visual art and gender studies is the key to deliver a special influence and a meaningful messages to others. Lina is one of the most successful artists in Palestine. In her paintings she brings life to her characters through the movements of her brush and a wide range of colours, emotions and letters. Each painting was inspired by a great story, by a significant event, instance or person in her life.

Malak Fakhoury

School teacher
Malak Fakhoury received a bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the University of South Florida. During her time there she served on the board of many community organizations centered around human kindness, religious education, and political justice. Upon graduation, she became employed in the private school sector. She enjoys spending time in nature, traveling the world, and being in the company of her beloved family. Her passion is helping people find a connection between their faith and life, inspiring them to see how the two can be harmoniously intertwined. In the coming years, she intends to obtain a master’s in counselling and her ultimate goal is to open an orphanage.

Mohammad Nash'at Thaher

A science guide at Al-Nayzak science and technology education organization. In addition to being an undergraduate student of chemistry and chemical technology at Al-Quds University. And a “book worm”. Through work, in science, education and public relations, education, books and a streamline of influences from social media, to social politics, he shaped a more open-minded in-depth view towards human social interactions. While seeking a more technical job in scientific research, and living in a society that is greatly influenced by politics, local or global. “Nash’at” followed an Anti-tactic against the anger and hatred that drive the modern day social politics. He calls it “empathy”.

Mohammed Al-Khatib

Mohammed Khatib is a humanist, athlete and a yoga instructor who studied sociology and anthropology. His focus in life is to give his heart out to others and help in uplifting the society to better. Through inspiring the next generation to be the best they can in whatever they do and to bring their dreams into reality. He uses sports as a tool for positive social change. Mohammed has been training relentlessly for the past 6 years to win the first Olympic medal for Palestine to bring hope and joy to the heart of every Palestinian.

Watar Band

Musical band
نحن إبراهيم أبو لبن ونجيب اللوصي، موسيقيان من مدينة بيت لحم، فلسطين. التقينا ببعضنا البعض عام ٢٠١٣ حيث عزفنا الموسيقى معا، حينها اكتشفنا اننا نتشارك في مبادئنا من حيث قيمة وأهمية الموسيقى في حياتنا. من تلك اللحظة، قمنا بالمشاركة في عدة مهرجانات واحتفالات حول المدينة. في البداية قمنا بأداء قطع موسيقية لمغنيين ومؤلفين آخرين, ومن ثمة بدأنا بالميل تجاه نوعنا الخاص من الموسيقى. موسيقتنا عبارة عن خليط من الموسيقى الشرقية والغربية. في السنتين الماضيتين، قمنا بتأليف وتلحين العديد من الاغاني التي تجمع بين اجواء الjazz، folk، blues، reggae، funk، folk، والموسيقى العربية. ولأي مواضيع نغني؟ نكتب اغانينا لنحاكي المشاكل اليومية التي يمكن لأي شخص كان ان يخوضها، سواء كانت البحث عن الحب،أو حتى الانخراط في المجتمع.

Yacoub Sabatin

Yacoub Sabatin is a teaching faculty member and the head of Computer Engineering Department at Al-Quds University. During his professional career, he worked in teaching computers for local and marginalized communities, then as a freelancer, a programmer, and as a consultant with local and international clients. He was also a member in some research projects between European and Palestinian Universities including but not limited to e-learning environments and providing an original experience-based assistance to the learners. He has a special interest in futuristic scenarios where technology can change the human lives, and also an interest in philosophy as a way to reach and rethink areas not accessible by empirical science, Yacoub was born in Jerusalem.

Organizing team


Ramallah, Palestine

Abu Nassar

  • Aseel Sinnokrot
  • Batool Ammar
    Team member
  • beesan moreb
    Team member
  • Hanin Sharabati
  • Lana Sharif
    Team member
  • Maram Sada
  • Mayar Idkedek
  • Mohammad Rumman
    Team member
  • Mohammad Ayyad
    Post production
  • Mustafa Nabilsi
    Team member
  • Nadin Mabhouh
    Team member
  • Niveen Shareef
  • Osama Matar
    Team member
  • Rula Odeh
  • Sojood Mansour
    Team member