x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Innerspace

This event occurred on
January 29, 2017
HImi, Toyama

Inner Space

Here and now.
Happiness is up to you.
So let’s look into our true nature, the inner world which lies within.
It’s okay to be yourself.
Embrace and love yourself.
It all begins here, in Himi.
Inner Space.

Last year, TEDxHimi 2016 was inspired by "Teichiami", eco-friendly and sustainable set-net-fishing.
This year, we focus 'Passive' and we look into ourselves. Therefore, we look our "Inner Space".

10 Unami
HImi, Toyama, 935-0422
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Himi events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Douglas Brooks

Douglas Brooks is a boatbuilder, writer, and researcher specializing in the construction of traditional wooden boats for museums and private clients. His boats have been displayed at museums across the United States and Japan. Since 1990, he has been researching traditional Japanese boatbuilding, focusing on the techniques and design secrets of the craft. Brooks is the sole non-Japanese listed in a 2003 Nippon Foundation survey of craftsmen capable of building traditional Japanese boats. In 2014, Brooks received the Rare Craft Fellowship Award from the American Craft Council in recognition of his work in Japan. In 2015 he was named an Arts in Action-Japan Fellow by the Asian Cultural Council. He is the author of four books on Japanese boatbuilding. ----- ダグラス・ブルックス 船大工であり、船舶雑誌ライター、並びに、博物館や個人クライアント向けの伝統木造船の製作を主とする研究家。作品は、米国や日本のさまざまな博物館で展示されている。1990年より、日本の伝統古船の研究に着手し、和船の技術や設計の秘伝を重点的に研究。2003年に日本財団が行った「全国の個人船大工存在確認調査」で、唯一日本人以外の船大工として名を連ねる。 日本での活動が認められ、2014年、米国工芸協議会の希少工芸親交賞を受賞。また、2015年には、アジアン・カルチュラル・カウンシル(ACC)の日米芸術交流プログラムの一環として協力支援を受けている。和船建造に関する著書を4冊出版している。

Kentaro Yamazaki

Kentaro Yamazaki was born in Chiba and graduated from Kogakuin University with master’s degree in architecture. He established the “Yamazaki Kentaro Design Workshop” in 2008. “Architecture that is not accepted by the local community just becomes an obstacle.” He has been struggling with children, elderly and disabled people’s problems, because they need specific spaces. He keeps seeking important roles architecture can play every day, with his clients and the local residents. The “Hakusui Nursery School” is his masterpiece, designed as a big house. This unique structure, allows children to be able to have formative experiences such as feeling the senses of touch, smell or taste that originally come from nature. This work received the “GOOD DESIGN AWARD” and the SPECIAL AWARD, “DESIGN FOR THE FUTURE” (2015). Also, his works were awarded the “AR EMERGING AWARD(2015)” in London, and the “SELECTED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNS YOUNG ARCHITECTS AWARD(2015).” ----- 山﨑健太郎 千葉県生まれ。工学院大学大学院建築学専攻修了。2008年より、山﨑健太郎デザインワークショップ設立。 「地域の人に受け入れられない建築は、ただの迷惑なオブジェになってしまう」。子供、高齢者、障がい者など、特殊な居場所を必要とする人たちのための問題に真摯に向き合い、日々クライアントや地域住民と共に建築が果たせる役割を模索している。 代表作である「はくすい保育園」では、保育園は大きな家であるという考えのもとに設計。子供たちの原体験として残るような、その場所でしか感じることができない自然で遊ぶつくりを創出し、グッドデザイン賞・未来づくり賞(2015)を受賞。その他、ロンドンのAR emerging award(2015)や日本建築学会作品選集新人賞(2015)などの受賞歴を持つ。

Kristin Hayden

Kristin is a visionary and leading social entrepreneur. She has lived in Russia, Georgia, France, and the United Kingdom and worked on projects in Brazil, Japan, China, Morocco, Jordan and Qatar. Having spent her career creating opportunities for leadership and greater global engagement among historically underprivileged groups, she has been recognized as an Ashoka fellow. In 2002, she founded OneWorld Now!, an award-winning global leadership program for low-income and minority youth, which has been hailed as one of the most innovative after school programs in the USA. She is currently the Chief Partnership Officer for IGNITE in San Francisco, building a national movement to inspire young women to run for political office. She is also the co-founder of VisionVenture, which exists to inspire, accelerate and invest in changemaker's Visions. これまでロシア、フランス、英国などで生活し、ブラジル、日本、中国、ヨルダン等、世界各地で事業に従事している。歴史的に恵まれない境遇にある人々のリーダーシップ開発やグローバルな関与の機会を創出し、アショカフェローに認証される。2002年に設立した〝One World Now!” 貧困層やマイノリティーの若者へのリーダー育成事業は、「全米で最も革新的な放課後事業」に選ばれた。現在は、次世代の政治家を目指す若い女性を支援する”IGNITE”のパートナーシップ統括責任者。また、世界に変革を起こそうとする人達のビジョンを鼓舞し、投資支援を行う""Vision Venture”の共同設立者でもある。現在サンフランシスコ在住。

Maho Shono

Maho was born a twin with her sister in Oita Prefecture. Ever since birth, she has had synesthesia in which sounds, people, places, and memories evoke her with the visualization of a particular color. she has therefore spent her life growing up in a world filled with rainbows of color. Faced with a number of personal issues at the age of twenty, she found difficulty in loving herself for who she was. It was only after the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11 2011, that she decided to change her life by trusting in the thrills and excitement that fate brings. In December 2012, she came face-to-face with death while travelling alone in Peru. It was then that her outlook on life changed dramatically. Returning back to Japan, she established “EARTH GYPSY” with her twin sister. With just $600 in hand and trepidation in their hearts, the sisters set off to America on an experimental journey. She is on an ongoing quest to explore the colours of her cosmos through lectures, literary writings, and artistic creations. Her literary works include “EARTH GYPSY”, and “The Law of Acceptance”. Favorite destinations include Cusco Peru, Northern India, and Chiangmai. Mahoshono 大分県出身、双子の姉妹として生まれる。 生まれつき、音や人、場所、記憶などに色を感じる共感覚を持つ。 幼少期から多彩な色の世界で育つ。20歳を過ぎ、自分が好きになれず、人生がうまくいかなくなる。3.11をきっかけに「ワクワクだけを信じて生きる」という生き方に変える決心をする。2012年12月に、ペルーの一人旅で死に直面し、人生観が大きく変わる。帰国後双子の姉と「 あーす・じぷしー」を結成。600ドルだけでアメリカに渡り、心を大切にして生きていけるのか、実験の旅に出る。 講演や執筆、アートワークを通し、色という宇宙の遊び方を探求し続けている。 著書に「EARTH GYPSY」、「受け入れの法則」。好きな場所はペルーのクスコ、北インド、チェンマイ。

Mariko Mashimo

Mariko has a unique background, having received her bachelor’s degree in Education from Waseda University before one day deciding to become a lawyer and entering Omiya Law School. Since becoming a registered lawyer in 2011, she has practiced in a wide range of fields from corporate law to divorce proceedings. She specializes in corporate law, offering counsel on various legal issues that companies face as well as providing support during the set up phase of new projects. As a former student of education, she is highly concerned about educational issues. She participated in the planning of the NPO “Stop Bullying! Navi” and conducts presentations about bullying at schools throughout Japan. At the end of May this year, she had her first baby. As a new mother, she is now deepening her thoughts on education in schools and the future of society. 真下麻里子 早稲田大学教育学部卒業。ある日、「弁護士を目指そう」と思い立ち、一念発起。大宮法科大学院大学に入学し、2011年に弁護士登録、という異色の経歴の持ち主。 企業法務から離婚事件まで多岐に渡る分野を取り扱っている。特に企業法務においては企業が直面する様々な法律問題についての助言をするほか、新規事業の立ち上げの支援も行っている。教育学部で学んだ経験から、教育に関連した問題に高い関心を持っており、「NPO法人ストップいじめ!ナビ」に参画。全国の学校で、いじめに関する講演活動を実施している。今年五月末には、第一子を出産。現在は、子育てをしながら母親の目線で学校教育や社会の未来に思いを巡らせている。

Mikako Yusa

After graduating from university in the United States, Mikako received a master’s degree from International Christian University and worked as an HR manager at major corporations. She is currently promoting the world view of co-creation and the concept “From Adaptation to Creation,” which proposes a new way of living. Lived in 4 foreign countries since her early childhood, Mikako is deeply aware of how people in the modern society suffer from the limit of “the separation between thoughts and emotions.” She continues to search for methods and wisdom that enable individuals and organizations to evolve. Through various activities, Mikako is working to connect Japan with the global waves of social revolution. She is a practitioner of MIT senior lecturer Peter Senge's concept of “learning organizations” in Japan, has invited international social change facilitator Adam Kahane to Japan. She also worked in Japanese translation of the book “Theory U.” Mikako is the 25th generation of her family, and a descendant of Hidesato Fujiwara. She is the mother of 11 years old boy. 由佐美加子 米国大学卒業後、国際基督教大学(ICU)修士課程を修了。大手企業の人事部マネジャーを経て、「適合から創造へ」という新しい人間の在り方、共創造という世界観を様々な場を通して拡げている。 幼少期から海外4カ国で育ち、現社会における人間の「思考と感性の分離による限界」を痛感し、個人と組織が生命として進化し続けるための手法・叡智を探求し続ける。 MIT上級講師ピーター・センゲ氏が提唱する「学習する組織」の日本における実践の普及や、国際的な社会変革ファシリテーターアダム・カヘン氏の日本招聘、書籍「U理論」の翻訳出版などグローバルな社会変革のうねりと日本をつなげるための活動を展開。生家が藤原秀郷の末裔で25代にあたる。一児の母。

Shannon N Smith

Shannon N. Smith was born to an American father and a Japanese mother. He studied at an International/American school in Japan until he graduated from high school. He had a lot of opportunities to be exposed to various cultures. Through his experiences, he has visualized his desire for world peace, free from chains such as religion, race and culture. However, as a result of considering and taking actions according to this belief, he has trodden a thorny path and has had close calls with death. He gave his whole life to achieve his goal, but he didn’t anticipate that things he strongly believed in would be turned upside down, or that someone he trusted would leave him. Taking the hard road was stimulating but difficult. Before long, he found something really important as a person, which he had overlooked for many years. He now works as a translator/interpreter, speaker curator, English teacher, and also helps and supports people using mindfulness in order to bring out the best in them. アメリカ人の父と日本人の母の間に日本で生まれる。高校卒業まで日本のインターナショナルスクールやアメリカンスクールに通い、多様な文化を吸収する中、宗教・人種・文化を超えた平和な世界の実現に貢献したいというビジョンが湧く。このビジョンを内に秘め、悩み、行動した結果、死と隣り合わせの生活を送る事になる。 やがて「信じるもののために全てを投げ打つ経験」、「信じていたものが根底から覆される経験」、「信じていた人が離れていく経験」などを経て、根本的に見落としていた人として大切な事に気付く。現在は翻訳・通訳、スピーカーキュレーター、英語講師、マインドフルネスなどを通じて人の良いところを引き出すお手伝いをしている。

Tomoyasu Fujii

Tomoyasu Fujii was born in Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture and is the current Hiroshima Chapter representative for the Japan Electric Vehicle Club. He came to know of electric-powered cars through learning about environmental issues after entering a company in Hiroshima City in 1993. A fan of the design works of Giorgetto Guigiaro, as well as the motion picture “Back to the Future”, he fell in love with the DeLorean and set off on a venture to convert the iconic vehicle into an electronic car in 2007. After receiving a base grade out-of-service DeLorean, he successfully completed the electronic conversion of the vehicle with the help of the followers from his blog on March 11 2009. Continuing to make refinements even after the vehicle’s initial completion, he has been able to carry out three further upgrades to his DeLorean as of July 2016. Aside from this, he has also been involved with similar modifications of the Rover MINI while advocating the restoration of old vehicles by means of electronic car conversion. His current passions include sustainable societal development and energy. He is striving to achieve his dream of one day having his DeLorean run on renewable energy. ----- 藤井智康 広島県尾道市生まれ。日本EVクラブ広島支部代表。1993年から広島市の会社に勤務する傍ら、環境問題について学ぶ過程で電気自動車の存在を知る。ジウジアーロ氏のデザインと映画「Back to the Future」の影響でデロリアン好きになり、「デロリアンEV化計画」を2007年にスタート。事故で廃車になったベース車を譲り受け、ブログを見て集まった仲間と2009年3月11日に作り上げる。その後も改良を続け、2016年7月には3回目のアップグレードを実施。他にもローバーMINIのEV化を手掛け「旧車レストアの手段としてのEV」を提唱している。現在の関心事は、持続可能な社会づくりとエネルギー。具体的には「デロリアンを再生可能エネルギーで走らせる」ことを目指し、活動を続けている。

Organizing team


Kobe/Kyoto, Japan
  • Ichi Kanaya
  • Miyoko Fujimori
    Team member
  • Takayuki Mitsugi