x = independently organized TED event

Theme: The Next 150: Driving Change

This event occurred on
March 9, 2017
Ottawa, Ontario

Imagine Kanata and Ottawa’s most fascinating and engaging presenters, artists and thinkers coming together to share their passions and discuss their visions for the world all within an underlying theme. On March 9th, we held our third TEDxKanata event featuring some of Canada’s most incredible speakers with fascinating ideas worth spreading. Our theme for TEDxKanata 2017: “The Next 150: Driving Change” in support of Canada celebrating 150 years as a nation. We are excited to explore what the next 150 years will bring!

Brookstreet Hotel
525 Legget Dirve
525 Legget Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, K2K2W2
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Kanata events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Allan Lee Brown

International Director Compasio Relief & Development
In 2000, Allan Brown made a radical mid-life shift by selling his IT consulting firm in order to fully dedicate himself to international development work. Today, Allan is the International Director and Founder of Compasio Relief & Development, an organization that seeks to love, protect and empower those who are vulnerable. From responding first-hand to the devastation of the 2004 Asian tsunami, to pioneering sustainable programs for victims of trafficking and abuse in high-risk refugee populations, Allan provides insights into the good, the bad and the ugly of development and charitable response. Allan has recently returned to Canada after 15 years abroad overseeing work among displaced ethnic minority communities on the Thailand-Myanmar border.

Amy Karam

Marketing Consultant and Instructor
Amy is a passionate speaker, consultant, author and corporate instructor of Stanford University professional development courses, as well as her own workshops. With a unique and engaging style, she lectures on topics including innovation, sales, marketing, global competitiveness and China. Amy has worked with over 50 countries and at companies such as Cisco, Apple, Visa, Nationwide, Capital One, SAP, Bell Canada and AT&T. Notably, she led a CEO-sponsored global competitive sales support program at Cisco Systems, the catalyst for her current practice. She has also led business development initiatives with the World Bank. Amy poured her experience and desire to influence change into her book, The China Factor: Leveraging Emerging Business Strategies to Compete, Grow and Win in the New Global Economy.

Craig Cardiff

Singer-song writer
Craig is a Canadian singer-songwriter. Known throughout Canada, Craig is developing a following throughout North America and into Europe. With guitar in hand, Craig can turn any setting into an intimate affair. Infusing his music and lyrics with a uncompromising humanism rarely seen in today’s production-heavy climate. Craig Cardiff builds landscapes of sound using live digital loops, bringing the room to a hush. Edged, folk, beautiful, melancholy and left leaning, one song breaks your heart, and the next one puts it back together.

Dillon Black

Cyberviolence Prevention Coordinator
Dillon Black is a gender-nonconforming anti-violence activist meets tech feminist media-maker who is passionate about changing the Internet, challenging cyberviolence, and empowering young women and LGBTQ youth. Dillon believes the greatest challenge the internet faces today is the issue of violence and abuse. Dillon works tirelessly to end violence against women with the Ottawa Coalition to End Violence Against Women. Dillon has spent the last 5 years studying and challenging rape culture on campuses and online with the support of Status of Women Canada. Recently, Dillon was appointed by the Honourable Minister Patty Hajdu to the Government of Canada’s Advisory Council to Help Shape the Federal Strategy on Gender-Based Violence as the Cyberviolence and LGBTQQI2S expert.

John Weigelt

National Technology Officer at Microsoft Canada
John Weigelt spends most of his days looking at the future. As the National Technology Officer for Microsoft Canada, John has the unique role of looking ahead 3-5 years and working at the intersection of innovative technology to determine how it impacts strategic policy and business decisions. In this role, Mr. Weigelt helps business and governments innovate with technology while avoiding the unintended consequences that might arise. He leads Canadian outreach for a variety of technology policies, including: Economic Development, Privacy, Security, Government 3.0, Accessibility, Environmental Sustainability and Interoperability.

Mark Dabrowski

Director of Technology at Teldio, and Water Rangers
Mark Dabrowski is not your typical computer nerd. Recognizing the positive impact of following your passions, Mark is constantly striving to improve himself and others’ happiness, productivity, and work satisfaction. Upon completing his education in computer engineering technology from the Rochester Institute of Technology, Mark was recruited by Terry Matthews and Wesley Clover to come to Kanata where he co-founded Teldio - a two way radio applications company. Mark is currently the Director of Research and Development. In 2015, Mark’s love of technology and the environment merged when he participated in the inaugural AquaHacking Challenge. Tying for first place with his teammates, the event thus marked the birth of Water Rangers. Water Rangers is a not for profit organization which aims to connect citizens to their local rivers, lakes and streams. Mark currently acts as the Director of Technology.

Mathilde Papillon

Who says you have to graduate high school in order to make a compelling TEDxKanata speaker? As a Grade 12 student at École secondaire publique De La Salle, Mathilde Papillon is helping shape The Next 150 through her combined love of dance, science and community involvement. Mathilde is a strong believer in the student voice. In fact, she represents the voices of youth from all over the province as a member of the Ministerial Student Advisory Committee of Ontario. Particularly passionate about engaging youth in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields, Mathilde sits on Actua’s National Youth Council, which is the Federal Ministry of Science’s organization of choice for promoting STEM amongst young Canadians. Mathilde also strives to help make environmental education more widely available within Canadian schools, as the co-founder of a registered NGO called PAPLEN Education for Eco-sustainability.

Melanie Coulson

Director, Content & Engagement / Communications and content marketing
Inspired by the Hopi American Indian proverb, “Those who tell the stories rule the world”, Melanie’s passion lies in telling fascinating stories on multiple platforms and connecting with people. As the Director of Content and Engagement at Canada 2020, Melanie has turned this passion into a career, leading the independent, progressive think thank’s content creation and social media initiatives. She is also a digital communications instructor at Carleton University’s School of Journalism and Communication focusing on social media and storytelling in the digital age.

National Chief Perry Bellegarde

National Chief
In 2014, Perry Bellegarde was elected National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations following a long a career championing the rights of First Nation people. Originally from Little Black Bear First Nation in Treaty 4 Territory, National Chief Bellegarde has held the roles of Councillor, Chief, Tribal Chair, and Chief of the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations and Saskatchewan Regional Chief. National Chief Bellegarde is the recipient of the Queen’s Jubilee Medal (2012), the Saskatchewan Medal (2005), the Queen’s Jubilee Medal (2002) and the Confederation Medal (1992). He has been honoured by several Chiefs and Elders who have acknowledged him as their adopted son, and he honoured them by carrying their teachings forward as he works toward full realization of self-determination for First Nations peoples and a shared nation-to-nation vision for a more just and inclusive Canada.

Organizing team


Ottawa, ON, Canada