x = independently organized TED event

Theme: #2ndTimeAround

This event occurred on
October 18, 2016
Arnhem, Gelderland

This years theme is #2ndTimeAround, about sustainability, re-using techniques and materials, proven craftsmanship, real connections and honest labour. New understanding of old patterns, different ways to reclaim the old and make something new and so on. Circular Economy in humanity. For the portraits of our 2016 TEDxArnhem speakers we could only partner up with Peter van Hal. Who works with collodion photography, an intense form of art photography of the 1870s. Again if it ain't fun it isn't sustainable!

There will be a livestream and it will be featuring International Sign voor deaf and impaired hearing!

Willemsplein 10
Arnhem, Gelderland, 6811 KB
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Arnhem events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Anne-Marie Geurink

De Vormforensen is a graphic design studio specialized in the design of books, founded in Arnhem by Annelou van Griensven and Anne-Marie Geurink. In 2015 De Vormforensen published a new book; Het meest geloofde sprookje (the most-believed fairytale), a fairy tale book about defaulting banks, high-frequency trading and the economic bubble. De Vormforensen drew inspiration from the economic crisis and related newspaper headlines such as those regarding defaulting banks, profit warnings, high-frequency trading and the economic bubble. Through their fairy tale, Van Griensven and Geurink expressed the realisation that the economy is a subjective system that is build on believe and trust. - See more at:

Anook Cléonne

In her project 'The Blue Hour' artist Anook Cléonne invites people to share their earthshaking altering views with her, views she later transforms into very large (and delicate) drawings. Since graduating with honors from the Amsterdam Rietveld Academy and taking up residency at the internationally renowned Rijksakademie voor Beeldende Kunsten in the same city, one can find Anook's work in museums as well as many corporate and private collections. We are living in a world flooded with images, facts and figures. Where opinions are often mistaken for facts. How does one make sense of it all, where to start, how to look? Can we trust our eyes when our heads are in the way most of the time, messing things up? How do we manage to keep up with that world? And can art seriously still make a difference in al of this? What would happen if we allow ourselves not to know… to travel without a map? - See more at

Bertho Nieboer

Bertho Nieboer (@DokterBertho) is a gynecologist with special interest in social media and communication in health care. Through experience he has seen the widespread advantages of active listening and the complications in case this was shifted to the background. In his TEDx-talk he will share with you his view on patient-doctor-relationships. Moreover, he will reveal the preliminary results of his discovery of a new long-standing disease in medicine. ​All in all, everything will be dominated by his motto: “Getting better together.” - See more at:

Didi Aaslund

With collegae Floor Nagler, Didi Aaslund did something astonishing for the refugees in Lesbos earlier this year. They tackled different kind of problems at the refugee camp, their message went viral. With work experience as a cook and a baker, crafts have always played an important role in Didi's life. Through her experiences as a craftsman and maker, she discovered new ways to interact with people. Now she is a student at the 'Hout- en Meubileringscollege' where she is learning how to make shoes bags and hats. - See more at:

Erik van Cuyk

Communication Advisor
In the past years Erik did many different things. He has a degree in international law; owned an advertising agency; played in a rock band and traveled through Europe and Asia. Nowadays he combines these experiences in his work as a photographer and as a communication expert. Last year Erik and his team won an international communication Award with project 100-100-100, a new effective method to change behavior of the public in an honest way. "I think there is too much manipulation in the way governments and companies communicate. In the end it leads to a big gap instead of commitment and trust. If you treat one like a fool you will get a fool. Thats why I always try to show the real things and reveal manipulation." Keywords for Erik are: courage, honesty, open-minded and creativity. - See more at:

Erwin Witteveen

Erwin Witteveen is the co-writer of 'Nooit Af' (in English 'Permanent Beta'), which had been nominated for the award Dutch Management Book of the Year 2016. This book did not win the first prize, because -according to members of the jury - "it's not a management book, it's much more than that, it's in fact a book for everyone." Since that moment, together with co-writer Martijn Aslander, they ironically promote their work as 'non-management Book of the Year'. 'Nooit Af' offers an inspiring and broad view on the society where we live in now, and how much and why it differs so much of the world before 2010, the world where most politicians and managers still think we are living in. The network and information society, offers endless possibilities and has brought us into a New Renaissance. Nearly all problems are only bureaucratic problems, all the pieces of the solution are already known, they only have to be connected. - See more at:

Eva Eikhout

I was born in March 1996, I have two lovely younger sister, Tess (18) and Noor (16) and I live in Nijmegen together with two friends of mine. ​I am studying Interaction Design in Arnhem and I am having my final year after summer! I am also the Chairlady of the Children's Advisory board at the Amalia children's hospital from the Radboud UMC in Nijmegen. But most of all: I am a life-lover from a next level. - See more at:

Eva Westerhoff

Communication Advisor
Eva Westerhoff is a disability rights advocate, accessibility consultant and trainer for inclusive information, communication and technology who happens to be Deaf. She currently works on the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the Netherlands and has a passion for digital inclusion. She believes that by communicating with diversity and accessibility in mind it is possible to reach out to more people, including those with different abilities. Her life motto: “I don’t have a disability; society imposes a disability upon me.” - See more at:

Fanny Koerts

Fanny Koerts is passionate about talent development and creating the best circumstances for people to thrive and connect with others. ​Possibilities are everywhere, even if you don't suspect them. Every difficult situation gives an opportunity to search for creative solutions and create new horizons. - See more at:

Floris Koot

Play Engineer
Floris Koot (58) is a 'Play Engineer' active in many fields. He co-founded a revolutionary school (Knowmads), developed a sport that breaks all the conventions (Switchball) and invented a piano method (learn to play freely in 15 minutes)! He trains a facilitates innovative processes. He believes 'we' only win when everyone wins. Globally many people and organizations seek to work so that the whole will flourish through their activity. Floris contributes to this Gentle Revolution happening. He helps individuals and organizations to become more purpose driven, free and playful. - See more at:

Georgios Lazakis

Georgios Lazakis was one of them boys who quit school too early. He was in need of a job but couldn't find a right one because of his lack of education. So, as an auto-didact, he performed as a hiphop artist and became a self-made creative entrepreneur. In 2014 he decided to stop performing because of some extreme life changes. He focussed on setting up his own school, 'School Of Heart Knocks', to inspire and motivate youngsters during class. This idea got nominated for the TEDxAmsterdam Award 2015. Now he works with different groups at schools, unemployed people and ex-convicted juveniles. - See more at:

Jesse Laport

Jesse Laport (1991) has been on stage for years as musician, actor, host and poet. Since 2012 Laport fullfills the role of City Poet of Arnhem, combining this with organizing events for musicians and poets, working as online editor, touring through the 'Benelux' as a spoken word artist, giving workshops, and finishing Creative Writing in Art School. In 2016 Laport released his first poetry collection ‘Niet te sappel’, comprising a ten minutes musical spoken word video. Jesse Laport likes connecting multiple disciplines and offering them a place on stage. ​Besides Laport is, despite – or because – of his panic attacks, creating a way and place for young, talented people to overcome their fears and present their creations to the bigger crowd. - See more at:

Jorg Massen

Behavioral Biologist
Jorg Massen (1981) is a behavioral biologist specialized in social cognition. His research focuses on the behavioral mechanisms underlying animal social relations, with special interest in cooperation and pro-sociality. Jorg started his career as a primatologist, working first on wild orangutans. He received his PhD for a study on friendship in macaques. Subsequently, he studied the famous chimpanzee population at Burgers’ Zoo in Arnhem. Since 2012 Jorg works at the Department of Cognitive Biology, at the University of Vienna, Austria, mainly studying crows and ravens. In 2014 he set up his own azure-winged magpie lab. For his work, he received several (inter)national grants and awards. - See more at:

Lisette Togtema

‘Learning is making mistakes,’ says my 7 year old niece Robin. ‘If you already know everything, then what’s the fun in life?' She is a real astronaut of spaceship Earth in the way she sees the beauty in small things, a flower, a tiny insect, in life. Her open, pure and honest view touches my heart, opens my mind and makes me smile. These are the qualities that I want to bring to life in the things I do as a consultant/trainer in teams and organizations, and as a story writer/teller. ​ To me the world is a more beautiful place when I connect with my 'joie de vivre' and the open view of my inner child. Imagine what will happen if we look with an open heart at ourselves and others. How much joy we will experience! Smiling at our imperfections and being open to learning new things with wonder... - See more at:

Lucas Schroder

Professional Sailor
Long after his college years and a professional career Lucas Schroder (1975) got addicted to sailing. When he switched his office for the big oceans as a professional sailor things happened fast, very fast. In 2007 he sailed one of the loneliest and toughest soloraces in the world, the Transat 6.50 from France to Brazil. In 2011 he did this contest again. Now he has more than 30.000 sea miles on his sleeve. And as an experience expert he is lecturing about sleep and the ability to perform. But sailing touched Lucas also in another way. Nowadays the first signs of land in sight aren’t the birds or other sea life anymore, it’s the chem trails in the air en de sign of pollution in the sea. Today Lucas stands on the eve of another adventure an expedition to the Artic together with a team of scientist, astronauts and opinion-makers to prove that sustainability isn’t just a lobby for a few.

Mariska Wessel

Voice Coach / Singer
Mariska Wessel is a voice coach and singer and of course passionate about music. With her broad interest in the way we humans communicate she uses the universal language of music to make a connection between people and the world around us. Her speciality as a voice coach is to tap into her clients true vocal potential so they get heard, understood and get their message across with maximum impact. But some messages seem to be more difficult to get across. For example the message to eat less meat. In the last few decades our meat consumption has doubled. Our grandparents ate meat as an exclusivity, as a treat. Our parents ate meat at a more frequent rate. ​But nowadays meat is everywhere, meat is part of a daily menu and we consume it at-historic rates. This has devastating effects on our climate, the environment, food security, our health and last but not least on the lives of billions of factory farmed animals. - See more at:

Sam Gerrits

Sam Gerrits is a journalist and a geochemist. He writes for Dutch news media NRC Handelsblad, Nieuwe Revu magazine and The Post Online. One of his writing goals, is to help ease the social stigma associated with mental health issues, by speaking openly about his own bipolar disorder. His motto is: "Once crazy is not always crazy, not since 1958 and the invention of Haldol.” ​In 2007 he made his literary debut with the acclaimed book 'Alleen: berichten uit the isoleercel,' ('Alone: reportings from solitary’) written with philosopher Wouter Kusters. The book was published by Lemniscaat and reissued for third time in 2015. - See more at:

Organizing team

van Son

Arnhem, Netherlands