x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Cercando ( In search of )

This event occurred on
November 5, 2016
Como, Como

You can search with the mind, the senses, the heart.
You can search with your bare hands or with sophisticated instrumentation.
You can search by doing, experimenting, making mistakes, but also by exploring, traveling and being crossed through.
You can search by interrogating or just listening.
You can search for yourselves, or a meaning, a direction.
You can search gold or time. But even the further, the not yet, the future.

Teatro Sociale di Como
Via Vincenzo Bellini, 3
Como, Como, 22100
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
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Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Angelo Vaira

Zooanthropologist and researcher in animal cognitive sciences, but also a writer, lecturer and Radio and TV host. He likes to define himyself a "facilitator of relationship with dogs." Founder of “ThinkDog”, a school that has changed the way to educate and to think of our dog. The school born from the discovery that the relationship with animals can be a gateway to our true nature. He holds seminars and consultancy on the human-animal relationship, of which he explores the psychological, educational and philosophical potential. He likes to write and teach and long walks along the river Adda.

Chiara Montanari

Life Explorer
Life Explorer. Engineer, sheI likes to call heryself a "travel addicted". At the age of twenty she had the opportunity to take part in an expedition to Antarctica, and since then she went back four more times. She was at the head of different international scientific research missions in some of the most remote bases of the white continent. When she is not at the Pole, she lives in Milan, where she deals with the applied Complexity Theory, innovation and management of multidisciplinary teams in uncertain situations. She never stop to explore life in its muliple forms.

Chloé Deambrogio

Chloé is a doctoral researcher at the Centre for Criminology at the University of Oxford. Her research focuses on sensitive issues such as the American death penalty, restorative justice, and organized crime. Her doctoral thesis explores the historical development of notions of mental illness and criminal responsibility in American capital punishment trials over the 20th century. Prior to starting her doctorate, she worked for Reprieve, a legal action charity dedicated to protect the human rights of death row prisoners worldwide.

Davide Bonadonna

Paleoartist. Illustrator and digital sculptor , he cooperates with paleontologists from around the world to reconstruct prehistoric animals and environments. His works are shown in museums, exhibitions, theme parks and are published in international scientific and popular magazines like the National Geographic Magazine. With his colleagues of the “Prehistoric Minds” he won many among the most prestigious international competitions in this sector, including the “Lanzendorf Paleoart Award” and the “International Dinosaur Illustration Contest” of Lourina. He is the author of images that characterize the traveling exhibition "Dinosaurs in Meat and Bones" and he realized reconstructions of dinosaurs and prehistoric animals through classical modeling and three-dimensional digital modeling.

Elena Somarè

Music Performer
Music Performer. A multimedia artist and one of the rare and most internationally renowned interpreter in the field of whistle music. She led this particular instrument at the highest levels of interpretation freeing from the prejudice that confined it to pure virtuosity. She performed in prestigious venues such as the Piccolo Teatro of Milan, the Auditorium Parco della Musica and the Teatro Sistina in Rome and participated in the Festival dei due Mondi at Spoleto. In May 2016 her second album, "Enchantment ", was published.

Enrico Giuliani

Startupper. Inventor of an integrated cerebral protection system and founder of Neuron Guard, a start-up with the aim of implementing the industrial production of the system. Anesthesiologist, with a PhD in Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Ihe handled emergencies during his working years in different structures in Emilia Romagna, with the desire to make medical and scientific culture available to others.

Marco Cattaneo

Editor. Physicist, but for twenty years working as a science journalist. he joined the editorial staff of the magazine "Scientific American" in 1991 and became managing director in 2006. In the same year he also had the direction of "Mind & Brain". Since 2010 editor of "National Geographic Italy." Co-author of three volumes The UNESCO World Heritage Site and the World's Cities he was honored to receive the Voltolino Award for science divulgation (2001), the Grand Prix of the French Association of Travel Writers (2008) and the Hippocrates Prize of the Italian Union of Scientific Medical Information (2010).

Marco Mena

Smart City Expert
Smart City Expert. Engineer and since nearly thirty years dealing with strategic and management consulting on issues of public policy for innovation. Presently he is Senior Advisor at Ernst & Young Financial Business Advisory (EY), after having worked for several ministries, governmental departments and task forces on such topics as digital management and broadband. His passion for innovation has led him to deal with Smart Cities and create the Smart City Index, a ranking of the "smart cities" in Italy.

Mauro Calise

MOOC Expert
MOOC Expert. Professor of Politica Science at the “Federico II” University in Naples. Since 1995 columnist for Il Mattino and presently President of the Italian Society of Political Science. Author of reference books on the personalization of politics in Italy ("The Personal Party and The Leader’s Democracy") and on the epistemology of net (“Hyperpolitics: An Interactive Dictionary of Political Science Concepts” with Theodore J. Lowi and “Key Concepts. Understanding political science “ with Theodore J. Lowi and Fortunato Musella ). He directed the implementation of, the main Italian e-learning platform for the delivery of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) based on high academic standards.

Michela Prest

Physicist. Expert in particle, space and medical physics. Since 2014, she is associate professor of physics and delegate of the dean for student orientation at the University of Insubria. She was in charge of the main instrument of the AGILE satellite, whose scientific team was awarded the 2012 Bruno Rossi Prize from the American Astronomical Society. As co-author she published more than 200 papers on international scientific magazines and she is in charge of a research team dealing with several projects of the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics.

Paolo Ajmone Marsan

Geneticist. Professor of genetics and animal breeding and Director of the Nutrigenomics and Proteomics Research Centre at the Institute of Animal Science at the Università Cattolica of Milan where he coordinates a group of thirty researchers who study the relationship between genome, nutrition and p hysiology of livestock and other animal as models for humans. Passionate of biodiversity science and of the evolutionary history of livestock species, he collaborates with the FAO, the International Atomic Energy Agency and the European Commission. Since 2016 he is President of the Scientific Committee of the Parco Tecnologico Padano, one of the top 10 science parks in Europe that deals with research in agro-industrial and biomedical sectors and which also has the function of an incubator for small and medium-sized high-tech enterprises.

Stefana Broadbent

Digital Anthropologist
Digital AthropologistSocial Scientist focused on the ways people use digital technologies in their private life and at work. Co-founder of “Cleanweb”, an organization that through the web addresses the problem of climate change. Between 2014 and 2016 in charge of the 'Collective Intelligence' project at Nesta, a major British charity that deals with social innovation. Lecturer in Digital Anthropology in the Department of Anthropology at University College, in London, and Visiting Professor at the Association of Architects and the Politecnico University in Milan. She is author of "Intimacy at Work" (2016) and contributed to "The Onlife Manifesto" (2015) and "Digital Anthropology" (2012) .

Organizing team


Como, Italy
  • Giacomo Inches
  • Giovanni Frassi
  • massimo moltrasio
  • Michele Gianella
    Post production
  • Orietta Ferrero
  • Patrizia Cappelletti
  • Roberto Minelli
  • Rosi Andreoli
  • Silvia Introzzi
  • teresa saibene