x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Colors

This event occurred on
March 5, 2016
Columbia, South Carolina
United States

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Irmo High School
6671 St. Andrews Road
Columbia, South Carolina, 29212
United States
Event type:
Youth (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Youth@­Columbia­S­C events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Retrograde Guitar Quartet

Retrograde Guitar Quartet (RGQ) is comprised of four High School Juniors who have been performing together for 2 years. They received 2nd place in the High School Ensemble Division at the Brownsville Texas Guitar Competition and 3rd place in the College Ensemble Division at the Southern Guitar Competition in South Carolina this year. Retrograde has performed in Master Classes with members from the Mobius Guitar Trio and the internationally acclaimed Guitarist, Roland Dyens. Their future plans are to attend many national competitions including the Guitar Foundation of America Ensemble Showcase in Denver, returning to the Brownsville Guitar Competition and several college competitions for solo and ensemble judging. They are currently working on producing a CD of their music that will include pieces by artists such as, Andrew York, Roland Dyens, Tchaikovsky, Bizet, Camille Saint-Saens and many others.

Aaliyah Harrell

Aaliyah Harrell is a 17 year old senior of Ridge View High School. Among the many other things she has been involved in throughout high school, her academic humanities magnet, Scholar’s Academy, and Student Council have been her favorite as she has learned the most from them. She currently serves as Student Body President of her school. Her time in Student Council has allowed her to realize her heart for serving and helping others, especially those without a voice, and she has been dedicated to doing so ever since. She has also realized her passion for social activism after working on a successful advocacy project for George Stinney, where his case was vacated after about 70 years since his execution, with her classmates in Scholar’s Academy. After graduation, Aaliyah plans on going to a prestigious university to study African American Studies and Sociology, eventually studying Law and Political Science in graduate school before going into a career in Politics.

David Cutler

David Cutler balances a varied career as a jazz and classical composer, pianist, educator, musician, author, and entrepreneur. In all these pursuits—and more—he works to push boundaries while connecting with new audiences. He has offered ground-breaking seminars for organizations such as the Julliard School, Dutch Classical Music Meeting, New World Symphony Orchestra, and Chamber Music America. Cutler founded The SAVVY Musician in Action, an experiential workshop that trains artists to increase income and impact. This summer, he will direct a College Music Society Summit focused on the future of 21st Century music schools. His 2015 publication, “The Savvy Music Teacher,” unveils a step-by-step blueprint for independent teachers to generate $50,000-$100,000 annually while increasing impact. Cutler serves as the Director of Music Entrepreneurship at the University of South Carolina.

Merrit Jones

Merrit Jones is a senior at River Bluff High School. She became involved in combatting education inequity after noticing disparities among South Carolina schools and the lack of students in the conversation on how to improve them. She joined the National Youth Leadership Council as a Lead Activist for the #Youth4Ed campaign July of 2015 and began her work to address inequity through student voice. This realization led her to start Student Space, a nonprofit organization that aims to amplify student voice in decision-making on all levels from the classroom to the state house. StuSpace partnered with Student Voice a national nonprofit to tour rural schools in order to host roundtables with students and have them think critically about education. This tour inspired her talk. Merrit is excited to be a part of the student movement across South Carolina, the U.S. and globe.

Trevor Castor

Trevor lives in Columbia, South Carolina where he serves as the Managing Director of the Zwemer Center for Muslim Studies. He is also a professor of Muslim Studies and Intercultural Studies at Columbia International University (CIU). He and his wife worked in South Asia among a 100% Muslim population. After returning, Trevor completed a Master’s Degree from Columbia International University in Muslim Studies. He is a PhD candidate at the Melbourne School of Theology. His research focus is religious identity.

Organizing team



