x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Passion

This event occurred on
February 8, 2016
11:00am - 1:00pm CET
(UTC +1hr)
Kranj, Kranj

TEDxYouth@GimnazijaKranj is an event organised by volunteers from the Gimnazija Kranj high school. In our region, there has only been one TEDx event so far, that is why we would like to introduce the TEDx philosophy and spread TEDx ideas to the younger generation.

While being in an environment surrounded with a number of teenagers, we have noticed a growing apathy and pessimistic attitude towards the future. Many are intoxicated by the negative images presented by the media as well as their parents. They have given into their fate of not getting proper employment after finishing their studies and finding something that they would be passionate about.

For this very reason, we were inspired to organize an event that would rekindle a spark amongst young people and bring out their hidden passions, as they are one the factors that help us succeed in what we do, as well as help us get through tough times.

Our speakers are all passionate about what they are doing. They are the former and current students of Gimnazija Kranj, who are active in various fields. Their interesting activities make them perfect candidates to tell and share inspiring and empowering stories. From a law student turned chef to an aspiring scientist, they each show anything is possible if you do what you love.

Our ultimate goal is to inspire attendees to each find their own passion, to be courageous and creative and to not pay attention to negative surroundings and society’s expectations. If each individual contributes a piece to the puzzle, their own unique ideas and passions, we just might be making our way towards a brighter future.

Gimnazija Kranj
Koroška cesta 13
Kranj, Kranj, 4000
Event type:
Youth (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Youth@­Gimnazija­Kranj events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Ana Žontar Kristanc

home cook and food blogger
Ana Žontar Kristanc je študentka prava, ki je ustavo in zakonike zamenjala za kuharske knjige. Ščepec svoje strasti do žvrkljanja in vihtenja kuhalnice je delila z nami.

Bine Žalohar

extreme sports enthusiast
Ekstremni športi sami po sebi niso nevarni - nevaren je človekov ego. Tako pravi Bine Žalohar, ki je njihov strastni privrženec. Skoči z njim v svet adrenalina!

Blaž Stojanovič

stargazer and aspiring scientist
Blaž Stojanovič je dijak zadnjega letnika mednarodne mature, eden redkih svoje vrste, ki si noči krajša z opazovanjem vesolja. Kaj ti bo Star Wars, če imaš na nebu veliki voz.

Matic Bitenc

CEO of Toshl
Vedno radovedni Matic Bitenc ima veliko strasti: od tehnologije, start-upov, do politike, ekonomije in potovanj, predvsem pa do življenja. Cinični optimist in provokativni šaljivec, ki vas vabi, da z majhnimi koraki spremenite svet na bolje.

Miha Grčar

COO at bitstamp, bitcoin exchange
Miha Grčar je bil le na enem pravem razgovoru za službo. A včasih je dovolj naključje, da si ob pravem času na pravem mestu, da zgrabiš priložnost, četudi se ob njo spotakneš. Danes živi v svetu bitcoina in vstaja še preden zazvoni budilka.

Mitja Lavtar

world traveler
Strastni popotnik Mitja Lavtar ve, da se za dobro avanturo ni treba podati na drug konec sveta.

Nena Močnik

activist and performance artist
Nena Močnik, doktorica znanosti, zavzeta aktivistka in umetnica hkrati, uči ljudi vsega sveta, kako z gledališkimi orodji izraziti tisto, česar besede ne znajo – bolečino, strah ali travmatično izkušnjo.

Tin Vodopivec

stand-up comedian
Tin Vodopivec je doslej nanizal že več kot 1000 stand-up nastopov v dvanajstih različnih državah in treh jezikih. Pred kratkim pa je bil tudi izbran za enega izmed najboljših 8 komikov v Evropi. Z nami je delil svojo zgodbo o vztrajnosti, prežeto s humorjem in strastjo do nastopanja.

Organizing team



