Post-event checklist

After your event is over, we know what the natural thing to do next is — rest! You’ve put all the work in, and now you should put your feet up after what we hope was a fruitful and rewarding experience.

But first! There are just a few things to take care of in order to close out your event. Use this checklist for all of your post-event needs.

1. Send out the TEDx attendee survey

You must send out our TEDx attendee survey within 48 hours after your event has completed; results will be emailed to you in a PDF 3-4 weeks after your survey is sent. Directions on this process are available in the TEDx attendee survey video below.

Results are based on the Net Promoter Score system.

Please note: TED, TEDx or Delighted (our third party survey partner) will not use any collected email addresses for any purpose other than sending this particular survey. Please also be aware that your venue and/or local government may have special data privacy policies. This can affect how you obtain information for the TEDx Attendee Survey. Plan ahead: build appropriate processes (e.g. "opt-in") to gather and share this information in accordance with local data privacy laws. If you experience particular difficulty, please inform us in advance.

2. Upload your videos to YouTube*

Upload your TEDx Talk videos using our TED Video Uploader tool. Do not upload your videos on any other YouTube channels or video platforms. Find detailed instructions on how to upload your videos in our Video + Photography section.

Note: In order to use the TED Video Uploader tool, you must have a profile and the date of your event, your event’s duration (e.g. 8am - 4pm), and location of your event (city, state/province, country) listed on your TEDx event page.

*Only required if your event featured live speakers. For more about our publishing policy, see here.

3. Upload your photos to Flickr

Share photos from your event on your Flickr account - tag the photos with "TEDx" and your event name. You can find instructions on creating a Flickr account and uploading photos here.

4. Refresh your TEDx event page

As you know, your TEDx event page gives other organizers, your local audience and the global community an updated overview of your event. After your event, make sure to:

  • Add the Flickr tag for your event photos
  • Add your YouTube playlist URL
  • Check that your speaker list is up to date
  • Upload a new photo from your event.

Keep in mind, we can’t renew your license until you have updated your profile page.

5. Share on the TEDxHub

Share materials that other organizers can customize — program schedules, source code, or just advice — on the TEDxHub.

Also in this section

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